Home » Explore Varied Astrological Traditions Worldwide | – Times of India

Explore Varied Astrological Traditions Worldwide | – Times of India

Astrology is not limited to India and Indians, beyond the subcontinent, it has fascinated the human race since ages. There exist various astrology systems around the world with its unique set of rules and regulations, but the common thing is the predictions on the basis of position of celestial bodies. Here are some of the most popular astrology systems in the world:-
1. Western Astrology – The most popular zodiac system with its roots in ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia and Greece, Western astrology has been developed over time by drawing inspiration from Babylonian, Egyptian, and later, Hellenistic traditions. It is based on the tropical zodiac and focuses on the position of the sun at the time of a person’s birth. Western astrology is divided into twelve signs of the zodiac, each with its own set of characteristics. Figures like Ptolemy and the evolution of the zodiac played crucial roles in shaping Western astrology.
2. Vedic Astrology – Vedic astrology, also called Jyotish or Hindu Astrology, traces its origins back to the ancient Indian texts, especially the Vedas. It’s closely connected with Hindu beliefs and has been around for thousands of years. References to astrology and its importance can be found in the Rigveda, one of the oldest sacred texts. They use the system of the Sidereal Zodiac, which is based on the real positions of constellations in the sky. A birth chart which plays a primary role in predictions and observation, makes use of primarily Nakshatras, (lunar mansions), zodiacs and position of the celestial bodies.
3. Chinese Astrology – Chinese astrology, drawing from ancient Chinese beliefs, operates on a twelve-year lunar pattern. Every year corresponds to an animal sign, and each of these signs is connected to one of five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Chinese astrology dives into characteristics, relationships, and life happenings, providing a distinctive view of a person’s fate. Also, the year of 2024 is the ‘Year of the Wood Dragon’.
4. Mayan Astrology – The ancient Mayans, who are often known for their advanced understanding of astronomy, had developed their own astrology system. Mayan astrology revolves around a 260-day sacred calendar known as the Tzolk’in. It explores the relations between individuals and cosmic energies, with focus on the spiritual aspects of life.
5. Jewish astrology – Primarily practiced in the state of Israel, this system, also called as ‘mazzalot’ is based on the Hebrew calendar and is popular in Jewish communities around the world. It is a belief in Israel that celestial bodies and stars can influence the life affairs of the people. It uses two main systems: hourly, where birth hour’s timing connects to a “ruling planet”, and monthly, where birth month aligns with a specific zodiac sign with tribal or Kabbalistic associations. However, many people don’t believe in this system.
6. Islamic astrology – Astrology in Islam and Persian culture gained emergence from the use of astronomy to reach Kaba and Mecca. Later on, various Islamic astrologers developed a system of geomancy and horary system to guide individuals in various matters. However, many Muslims reject this system, but there are few who practice this astrology.

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